It’s Father’s Day here in Australia. I’ve had a lovely morning. Sleeping in sort of happened, and I’m doing a little reading before getting ready for lunch. We were going to see a movie, but that’s moved to next weekend.
I’m currently reading for The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson, so they’re sitting beside my chair in the front room so that I can spend time re-reading possibly contenders and going back and forth with Stan about what can and can’t go into the book. “A Short, Sharp Shock” fell by the wayside, as did “Green Mars” (sadly). But the book will be filled with great stories like “Black Air”, “The Blind Geometer”, and more. It should be awesome. Basically, we have a list of about 185,000 words that we’re whittling down to 160,000 and then we can move into preparing the manuscript. The book should be really terrific.
The one story of Kim Stanley Robinson that still stands out in my mind today is ” Venice Drowned “. I quite liked it when I read those many years ago.
Jonathan: Can you disclose whether or not there will be any Mars stories? Just curious.
There will be. Sadly, not “Green Mars” (which is simply too long), but there will be several
Thanks! Looking forward to the final selection of the whole book.
We’re mostly there. When Stan and I are happy with it and we’ve got the manuscript in to the publisher, we’ll post the ToC.