Episode 155: Live with Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages

A little late due to technical issues, but here is Episode 155 of The Coode Street Podcast. This week we asked master storytellers Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages to join us in the Gershwin Room to discuss the writing life, short fiction, collaboration and their forthcoming Tor.com novella “Wakulla Springs”.

As always, our sincere thanks to Andy and Ellen for taking the time to talk to us. We hope you enjoy the episode!

3 thoughts on “Episode 155: Live with Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages”

  1. I’ve only met Ellen (a charming person, and I have her multicolored hat–she knows what I am talking about), but not yet met Andy. Symptom of only going to local cons, I guess.

    Great conversation–I look forward to this novella.

  2. One question I would have liked asked is why there appears to be so many collaborations in the SF field than in any other.

    And I’m willingly to concede that the answer maybe I’m wrong.

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