Episode 170: Live with Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is always wonderful to sit down and talk to about how great stories are created and is always ready to discuss how the great writers of the past have influenced him and his work.

During an extra special episode of the Coode Street Podcast, Neil joins Gary and Jonathan in a rare quiet moment at the Brighton World Fantasy Convention, to discuss the work of the late great R.A. Lafferty.

Lafferty is one of fiction’s great originals, a teller of tall and extraordinary tales that puzzle and delight. The timing for this conversation was perfect, with the first volume of The Collected Stories of R.A. Lafferty just about to appear from Centipede Press.

We would like to thank Neil for making time in what was an incredibly busy schedule for this conversation and thank you all for supporting the podcast during 2013. This is the final Coode Street episode for 2013. We’ll be back in late January with more endless rambling. Till then, safe and happy holidays to you all!!

One thought on “Episode 170: Live with Neil Gaiman”

  1. The Lafferty tumblr with critiques of his individual stories is at:


    From a recent panel, Howard Waldrop, George RR Martin and Gardner Dozois reminisce about Lafferty as a convention-goer for a couple of minutes:


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