Just so I don’t forget, a big Happy Birthday to my friend and editor Sharyn for Friday the 15th! Here’s hoping the rain recedes, the health improves, and the presents are terrific.
Daily Archives: 14 December, 2006
Email weirdness
No idea what’s up, but it looks like some of my email isn’t getting out, and some of *your* email isn’t getting in. I’m looking into it, but in the meantime can you please send any email to my main address and copy it to my back up at strahan(dot)jonathan(at)gmail(dot)com. Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the pink
Dance rehearsal – Wednesday 6 December
Ok. People actually asked for whining and stuff. I don’t get it. Still. Last week was an insanely busy time at Casa del Madness. Jessica and Sophie were both involved in a particularly full-on dance recital, which ran for two nights with an enormous audience. Sophie had one performance, dressed as a little clown girl, and Jessica had two, one as a bear and the other as a rain girl. It was incredibly cute. This is one of the rare photos their terrible parents. We have video, but you *don’t* want to be downloading that