I worked it out. I’ve been tired a lot lately. There are all sorts of good reasons for this, having to do with seven-year-old girls waking their dads in the middle of the night, recurrent bouts of flu, lack of weight loss etc etc. There’s also been a lot more work at the day job, but there’s also this. I sort of just realised that six books I’ve worked on will come out this year. You’ve already seen The Jack Vance Treasury, The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Best Short Novels: 2007, and The New Space Opera, and both Eclipse 1: New Science Fiction and Fantasy and Ascendancies: The Best of Bruce Sterling will be published shortly. I’m proud of all of them, but sort of surprised that there were so many. I’m also up to my neck in the year’s best for next year. It needs to be delivered and done by World Fantasy, so that’s a rush now. Oh, and I sold another book last week. More on that very soon. Busy times.
Daily Archives: 31 July, 2007
Read Greg Egan‘s very good long novelette “Dark Integers” in the Oct/Nov Asimov’s yesterday. It’s a sequel to his earlier story “Luminous” and features maths geeks saving the universe. For some odd reason it made me think of Charlie Stross’s Laundry stories, which feature a computer geek whose calculations threaten the fabric of reality. Is this some of kind of geek wish fulfilment. For a full 45 seconds I considered what a book of geeks-saving-the-universe stories might be like. I concluded that I would like it very much, but I’m not so sure about you.