Sunday morning

I was woken early by Sophie coming into our bed. She was very sweet, but sleep quickly went out the window. I suspect it might have been something to do with the rain. Jessica was up a little later, but having been sick with a virus off and on for the past week or so, is less than her usual sweet self. That means things are bit more stressful than they otherwise might be, but we’re still having a reasonably quiet morning. I had hoped to join some friends catching up with Marion McNamara this morning, but family commitments have overtaken that. I need to spend some time working on The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year 2 and editing Locus reviews today, so I hope we can catch up before she heads back to Adelaide.

Yesterday, I got to see a near-final cover for Eclipse 1, which I’m very happy about. When I saw the artwork that the publisher had chosen I was concerned about how it would work as a cover, but Michael Fusco has done a terrific job. I’ll get a copy of the final cover up here just as soon as it’s signed off on, but I’m definitely pleased with it.

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