Oakland: The Road to Denvention Part 5

I was up early on Friday morning.  3.15am.  Time to get ready, into a cab, and to the airport.  I had a pleasant, uneventful flight from Perth. Had an empty seat beside me, so I was comfortable and happy. I’d planned to sleep, but couldn’t so I read and watched a movie until the entertainment system crashed.  We landed in Sydney half an hour early, but spent most of that time waiting for a faulty airbridge to let us off the aircraft.  I was a little anxious because I wanted to try to get a better seat for the long haul flight and get over as soon as possibe to see Simon and Ally.  I was directed from one place to the next, none of whom could help, went through Customs, ended up in the wrong part of Sydney Airport and missed Simon and Ally (which I was very disappointed over).  I also couldn’t arrange a better seat. In fact, they switched me during the process to an aisle seat behind the exit row.

When I boarded I realised that over half of my leg room was taken up by an entertainment unit.  I was really annoyed and  figured I was in for a long painful flight when I decided to ask an attendant if he could help.  I didn’t think he’d be able to – the flight was completely full and overbooked.  But, he came back and asked if I’d take a window seat several rows up the plane.  I happily accepted. The couple I was sitting beside – Dave and April – were great company, I was fairly comfortable, and the flight was ok in the end.  Not great, but ok.

I was picked up by Locus’s new intern, the very nice Hollianne.  It was then through the all-too familiar San Francisco and up to Locus HQ.  Charles was busy entertaining a bevvy of beautiful romance writers, so I spent some time getting reacquainted with Tim, Liza, Amelia, Kirsten, and Fran.  I don’t think I was necessarily coherent, but I did get to say chat with them all for a while.  When Charles was free we chatted, I then grabbed a shower, we had a quiet lunch, more chatting, I opened my Sony Reader, and that kind of thing.  I made it to 7pm before crashing.  I couldn’t quite string two words together.   Today will be a lazy day.  See Amelia, I hope, then Jeremy.  Otherwise, just here at the house.

More soon…

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