Dr Grordbort and the gadget love…

Dr Gordbort

I know, I know.  You’ve all seen the wonders of Doctor Grordbort’s Infallible Aether Oscillators – a series of wondrous and devastating devices designed and constructed by Greg Broadmore of Weta Workshops. Whether it’s the Victorious Mongoose, the Unnatural Selector, or the Goliathon 800 Moonhater Deathray, one of these is sure to call out to the inner child who responded to the joys of steampunk, early space opera, and Spaceman Spiff.   I confess, though, that I’ve been feeling the Grordbort love just recently.  The Moonhater may be a bit much for the average household, but there’s definitely a destructive device or two that could bring a smile to my face should it arrive at Merton Way.  And, now that I think of it, surely one of these would make the coolest SF award statuette thingy of all time!

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