It’s Tuesday

Good morning, world. I know you didn’t ask, but I was woken at 3am by my seven-year-old daughter, who wanted me to help her get her covers back on her bed. I have not been able to get back to sleep, so I prepare for the day. I’ve been less than 100% the last few days, feeling a bit light-headed and odd. I think it’s the darned multi-focals, which also seem to be making reading more difficult and less fun.

That said, I forge on. Today, work. Tomorrow, the beloved wife’s *actual* birthday. Friday the family celebration of same. And then stuff on the weekend. I continue to push to find time to do things, but we shall see.

And reading? Well, I’m reading Datlow’s Lovecraft Unbound, dipped into Interfictions 2 last night, and just finished re-reading Citizen of the Galaxy. Hmmm. In truth, right now I feel like reading some old stuff, but the mountains of new novels keep piling up.