Saturday morning

What a stupid week.  I’ve been chased by some kind of virus all week long.  Difficulty concentrating, occasional light headedness, headaches (mercifully mild), aching teeth and all kinds of blech.  Saw the doctor yesterday, who was eminently unsatisfactory. Not convinced her assessment was remotely right, but I’m going with it till I hear better.

Now, you ask, ‘Jonathan, if it was a stupid week, what else was stupid, cos that’s unfortunate but not so bad really”.  Well, I banged my thumb in the door. It’s bruised and I am embracing self-pity on the issue.  That’s really it. Other than that, I finally acquired a taste for The Mountain Goats (Heretic Pride is excellent, if a little silly), read some very good stories (Jeff VanderMeer’s ‘The Goat Variations’ amongst others), had some great birthday celebrations for Marianne, and kind of mostly kept busy.

I also bought some of the Beatles remasters (Abbey Road does sound terrific), started reading Lev Grossman’s The Magicians (the opening chapters are terrific, but what’s with the cover?), pretty much finalised the table of contents for The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson with Stan, prepared for Eclipse Three copyedits (due to hit any moment, but it will be out for World Fantasy!), and got some good news.  What good news? Well, some private stuff worked out and may result in an awesome sekrit projekt, and The New Space Opera 2 just got reprinted, which makes me feel optimistic that there just might be a third one, which would be awesomely cool. I don’t know that I’ll have much family time this weekend because of project wurk, but things are good in a busy sort of way.

Oh, and a quick thank you to family, girliejones, and Deb who have listened to me dribble on about all of the above all week long.  Can I go back to bed now?