Year’s Best reviewed…

I don’t usually post reviews of books of mine here (well, not often), but I’ve just got one of the first major reviews for The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 3 from Booklist, and it’s quite good.  They said:

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume.3.
Strahan, Jonathan (editor).
Sept. 2009. 479p. Night Shade, paperback, $19.95 (9781597801492).
REVIEW. First published September 15, 2009 (Booklist).

The third edition of Strahan’s best-of collects, as promised, many of the brightest lights of sf and fantasy. Strahan defines the cousin genres broadly enough to embrace a satisfying and diverse selection that may not be generically all-inclusive yet affords a wonderful dip into what’s out there. It begins with Ted Chiang’s tragic “Exhalation,” in which a being whose people depend on the movement of air for life discovers the possibility that the air will one day cease to move. From there, it’s on to—among others—Elizabeth Bear’s Lovecraft pastiche, “Shoggoths in Bloom”; Ian McDonald’s future India in “The Dust Assassin”; John Kessel’s brilliant melding of Jane Austen and Mary Shelley in “Pride and Prometheus”; a delightful approach to the relationship problems of humans and gods in Rachel Swirsky’s “Marry the Sun”; Greg Egan’s evolving AI in “Crystal Nights”; Maureen McHugh’s future China and its “Special Economics”; Michael Swanwick’s alien encounter, “From Babel’s Fall’n Glory We Fled”; and, finally, Kelly Link’s shape-changing “Pretty Monsters.” Strahan’s talent as an anthologist shines brightly, too, in this tremendous collection.

Setting ego aside, I’m very pleased indeed. Oh, and I’ve just advised the first author for Volume 4 today that I’d like to reprint their story. Ever onawards!

That was the weekend that was.

The weekend is almost done.  That virus or whatever got me but good over the past two days. For the most part the light-headedness is gone, but I’ve had really sore teeth, a mild headache, and pain/headaches around my right jaw and temple. Bleurgh.  Asprin tends to be very effective, but it’s not going away yet.  I have this horrible suspicion it may not be a virus or a blocked inner ear: I’m wondering if it’s impacted wisdom teeth (shudder).

Anyhow, that aside it was a busy and productive weekend.  Saturday morning the proofs for Eclipse Three hit the email inbox. This is good and bad: good because we’re on schedule for a World Fantasy publication(!), and bad because they’re due back Monday.  I got proofs out to all of the contributors, and then took the girls out to see Ponyo, which was lovely.  Marianne was out Saturday evening, which left me to work on the proofs, glimpse at cricket, chatter online a little, and generally be busy.

I was then up at 6am on Sunday to get a batch of story notes written for Swords and Dark Magic. They were done by 10am, so Lou and I spent some time talking running order. As we went back and forth I got a real flush of excitement: there are some great stories in the book and I think it really rocks.  After that, back to proofs and some other bits and pieces, before going out for a late afternoon stroll with Sophie.

All in all, a fairly productive weekend. An early night tonight, then another busy week. Lots to do at the day job, some final stuff on the Stan Robinson book, and I suspect a couple doctor’s visits.  Erg.