Saturday morning

The strains of John Darnelle’s Mountain Goats singing about Sax Rohmer (it always makes me think about Charles, who had all of the Fu Manchu novels), the girls sitting watching The Gilmore Girls (do they even get most of the humor? – lucky we’re still in season 2), an empty mail inbox, the vague feeling that some deadline is slipping by while I try to relax, and the knowledge that breakfast needs to be made shortly: such is my early Saturday morning.

I’m at the end of another week, faced with a hopefully relaxing long weekend.  Today Jessica has  her first real sleepover, Alisa’s coming over for coffee, and Sophie’s hoping for a ‘mom’n’dad’n’sophe’ day.  Somewhere along the way I’ve got to try to find a suit for Howard’s dinner in San Jose (do not ask), perhaps do a little shopping, and generally just give my thoughts a chance to settle.   I’ve been reading a lot of short fiction lately. Got to get on top of the year’s best stuff.  BTW, did you notice that Kij Johnson is on a total tear right now, and that there doesn’t seem a lot of awesome hard SF this year?

What else? I seem to have fallen into a lengthy conversation offline about the merits and demerits of online publishing. I don’t see any material difference between putting a story on screen or on  a piece of paper. The thing is, from a career perspective, is it either/or?  I don’t think so, but I need to ponder the best way forward from here.

2010’s priorities are on my mind.  I’ll be mostly out of contract by Easter if all goes well. The year’s best is signed up, Eclipse is ongoing, so is Locus (of course), and there are a few projects bubbling away, but something new?  Maybe.