See? I told you I wouldn’t get to post :) I’m alive and having fun. The plane flight was fine from Sydney after a lovely visit with frinds. Then a trip down to SJ in a cab, and two days of talking and parties. Details to follow?
Monthly Archives: October 2009
Perth Airport > Sydney
Well, here’s the now traditional Macbook Photobooth photo of me at the airport. I’m in Perth headed for Sydney. Art and dinner tonight, then San Jose tomorrow. I intend to blog more about the trip, but then I always do. I also intend to finish some Life on Mars submissions on the plane, and maybe read some of Legends of Australian Fantasy. Here’s to good intentions. See you on the other side!
Getting ready for San Jose…
The countdown is well and truly on. Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, I head out to Perth Airport and begin then big World Fantasy Adventure for 2009. For those who don’t already know, I think World Fantasy is the best, most fun convention on Earth. I haven’t been to every convention, and friends certainly say good things about Readercon and ICFA and other places, but WFC is the one for me.
The trip will start at 9.00am with a flight to Sydney. I will, of course, mean to blog a lot about the trip and to take photos. I definitely will mean to. Based on previous experience, though, you might get one or two posts from airports and such, but not much more. And, unless I buy a camera in the duty free area at Sydney Airport on Wednesday, the only photos will be taken using Photobook on the Macbook, but who knows? I’d like to do more.
The plans right now include going to Nick Stathopoulos’s ‘Toy Porn’ art exhibit in Sydney, sharing a flight with Cat and Sean to San Francisco, and then dinners, parties and all sorts of things in San Jose. Should be awesome.
I should add that I’m away until Wednesday, 4 November. What that means is that I will pay at least cursory attention to email and so on during that time. I am sorry about this, and will check in daily for urgent stuff, but essentially I’ll be gone for the week.
For Perth readers
If you live in sunny Perth, Western Australia you must surely know about Planet Books, my personal pick for the best bookstore in Australia. Well, they have always been incredibly supporters of my books (hi Alan, Robin, Alison and everyone else!) and they are currently running a special offer on The New Space Opera 2. If you buy a copy of the book they’ll give you a copy of The New Space Opera or Dreaming Again (your choice, I think).
And just to prove that running a completely awesome bookshop isn’t enough to prove how great they are, Robin says that “if anyone comes in (like today) and says they bought Space Opera 2 we will give them a copy of Space Opera 1)! This is until they run out of current stock. So, hie yourselves down to Mt Lawley, pick up NSO2 and browse the shelves. It really ia a great bookstore.
Mirror Kingdoms
And this just in: the advanced uncorrected proof of Mirror Kingdoms, the Peter Beagle ‘best of’ collection that I edited, dropped through the mailbox today. I’m delighted! Subterranean will publish it early 2010 with a cover by Wm. Michael Kaluta. The table of contents is over on the Subterranean website and, even if I do say so, this is a very fine book. Beagle, who has always been one of our finest novelists, has developed into one of our finest short story writers too.