For Perth readers

If you live in sunny Perth, Western Australia you must surely know about Planet Books, my personal pick for the best bookstore in Australia. Well, they have always been incredibly supporters of my books (hi Alan, Robin, Alison and everyone else!) and they are currently running a special offer on The New Space Opera 2. If you buy a copy of the book they’ll give you a copy of The New Space Opera or Dreaming Again (your choice, I think).

And just to prove that running a completely awesome bookshop isn’t enough to prove how great they are, Robin says that “if anyone comes in (like today) and says they bought Space Opera 2 we will give them a copy of Space Opera 1)!  This is until they run out of current stock.  So, hie yourselves down to Mt Lawley, pick up NSO2 and browse the shelves.  It really ia a great bookstore.