No respect…

Ok. Just so we’re clear.  People in science fiction are always banging on about how we get no respect and are always seen as being some kind of poor second cousin to literary fiction (or so it seems to me).  And yet, Time Magazine just published their list of Best  TV, Movies, Books and Theatre of the Decade, and it’s full of genre stuff. I reproduce the Books list by way of example:

1.    Never Let Me Go (2005), by Kazuo Ishiguro
2.    Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (2004), by Susanna Clarke
3.    The Corrections (2001), by Jonathan Franzen
4.    The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007), by Junot Diaz
5.    The Known World (2003), by Edward P. Jones
6.    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003), by J.K. Rowling
7.    Atonement (2002), by Ian McEwan
8.    Lush Life (2008), by Richard Price
9.    Then We Came to the End (2007), by Joshua Ferris
10.    American Gods (2001), by Neil Gaiman

Congrats, btw, to Susanna, Junot and Neil!