Updatery, weekendwise

Welcome to Tuesday.  No notes from Monday, mostly because it was a day at work, and not much more. I woke at 2.30am and couldn’t get back to sleep, so the whole day was less than completely functional. I did, however, get the best piece of mail EVER when the wonderful folk at HarperUS (thank you Kim!) sent me an ARC of Terry Pratchett’s I Shall Wear Midnight. This makes me happier than I can possibly explain, so I won’t attempt to other than to say I’m very happy indeed.

The weekend itself was a mixed bag, to be honest. I was to meet a friend who does some work for The West Australian newspaper so he could interview me about the Hugos, but we missed one another and had to reschedule.   When we did meet up it was fun, though the day was a bit thrown off-balance by it all. We then watched Nanny McPhee: The Big Bang for family movie night, which went down well.  Sunday was very quiet. Both girls have bugs of some kind, so we kept things low key, heading out to see Toy Story 3 in the afternoon (which was loved, in different ways, by one and all).

I did spent a lot of time talking to Gary over the weekend, too. We chatted in a non-podcasty way on Saturday, the recorded podcast #11 on Sunday.  I’ve been really enjoying doing these and appreciate all of the kind comments we’ve been receiving. It’s an interesting experience. A friend, Tansy, made a very perceptive comment about the podcast that I’m grateful for – she pointed out the importance of Charles to the podcast and how it’s like this part of Gary and my grieving process, as we try to figure out SF in a post-Charles world.  I think she’s right.  Hopefully it’s not always on the surface of the podcast, but it’s there.  Interesting…

2 thoughts on “Updatery, weekendwise”

  1. Terry Pratchett is the only author who’s books I pre order without reviews or recommendations, so I’d be right there with you on the excitement stakes.

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