After Melbourne

Dear neglected blog,

I met someone else – well, two someone elses – and they’ve kept me away from you longer than I’d ever intended. One listens to my short idle thoughts, the other listens to me natter for ages with my pal Gary. But I’ve not forgotten you, even through these months of neglect.

I’ve been in Melbourne. Went there for WorldCon. Conventions fall into two groups: those that energise you and those that drain you. Having been home for almost a week I think I can classify Aussiecon 4 as a convention that drained me.  Not because it was a bad con, or because I had no fun, but because it was busy and demanding. There are some things I’ll treasure as I look back on it, though: the evening at Alex’s house with Tansy, Alisa, Tehani and everyone; long, unexpected and delightful breakfasts with Stan; dinner and lunch and more with Bob and Karen; the Melbourne Aquarium with Barbara, mum, Marianne and the girls; the room service party with Garth, Anna, Shaun, Chris, Chris, Deb, Marianne, and Liza; some real time to talk with Liza; a last minute coffee with Steve; a terrific Voyager party, and an unexpected meeting. All of those were awesome.

And then there were the Hugos. What an honor and delight! As you know, dear blog, I’ve loved the Hugos forever and never once imagined I’d be nominated. The past three years have been a giddy time indeed, in Denver, Montreal and now here.  It was close this year. I know just how close, and that’s even more pleasing. The Hugo voters, my community, rewarded my work more than I ever could have expected.  I was pleased to see Ellen win after another terrific year (even if I hope you can forgive me a tiny twinge of disappointment at not quite making it), and look forward to the years to come. I never take the Hugo voters for granted and assume nothing, but I’m far from done editing yet.

And that’s about it, dear blog. I hear Godlike Machines is printed, the Engineering Infinity copyedits are in my inbox, The Best of Larry Niven is around the corner, there’s a teetering tower of reading for the year’s best and cyberpunk books, people to follow up for Eclipse 4 and Under My Hat, and proposals to write. Busy, busy, busy.

Oh, and Columbus! There’s Columbus. In just seven weeks! Eek.