the weekend, again

And a week disappears in a flurry of something or other. I find myself returning to this blog as a diary lately, looking for things that prompt my memory for this or that reason, so I’d meant to write something about Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, but it seems like that’s not to be. Pretty much, I went to work, and then came home. At home I was unproductive, as I continue to fail to focus and get things done in any useful way, still…

Saturday was another hot, sunny day. We’re well into barbecue season, but I know summer is here because cricket is dominating the airwaves. I woke early and watched my first session of the Ashes. Hussey and Haddin worked solidly, while the English bowlers toiled well, but with no success.

For reasons I don’t recall, dear sweet eldest daughter was in a fairly foul mood. This meant she stomped around and was difficult, and ultimately made it impossible for me to record the usual podcast with Gary. There is a recording of sorts, but it’s mostly unusable, due to interruptions and poor sound quality. We may try again later today.

I made lunch and then we took youngest to her sibling group, which sounds like it was a lot of fun. She went up to The Maze, apparently, and had all of the sort of fun she doesn’t have when we go places as a family (which is the point). We tried to take Jessica out to do some Xmas shopping, but she was uncooperative so, after some grocery shopping, we staggered in the front door of the house, hot, weary, and annoyed.

After a break we drove Marianne to her band gig. We’d been to the most recent one and were skipping this one for timing reasons, though it turned out we should have been there. Jessica’s mood seemed to lift as we sang along in the car to songs from Wicked – a musical she loves but is resolute that she does not wish to see – as we drove out to collect Sophie.  She had had a ball.

From there it was home, dinner, family movie night (the movie was  Steve Martin’s Cheaper by the Dozen, which was mostly inoffensive), and then girls to bed. I collapsed in front of TV with a glass of wine and the laptop to pass some time, waiting for Marianne to get home.

It turned out she’d had a good gig, and got an award. A surprise one out of the blue.  I’m very proud of her. She works hard with/for the band and loves it very much.

It’s Sunday morning here in Perth. We awoke at 6.30am – traditionally, I know, a fine time to be rising on a Sunday – to discover the power was out (I almost refrain from typing again) and so were briefly forced to depend upon one another’s company.  Happily the power was up again after only a short time, so we could turn again to our electronic distractions.

Saturday was an annoying day. We’re going through assorted variations on rebelliousness and difficulties with young ladies of a certain age, so what could have been a simple, enjoyable day became much more stressful than it needed to be. Such, is a parenthood.

I podcasted with Gary early, before heading out for lunch at an old haunt of Marianne’s and mine, That Food Co in Bayswater.  The weather was warm and humid, making it less than ideal, and the cafe was warmer and stickier. We had a frankly ordinary meal, before heading out to the Margaret River Chocolate Co. This should have proven more successful than it did. After that we picked up some groceries and a movie for Family Movie Night.

I had intended to spend time reading, if I could. Instead I bounced around, not really reading anything. This seems to be the mode I’m in right now. I did spend a little time skyping with my sister in Melbourne, which was good. We then had dinner, watched a fairly awful Eddie Murphy comedy, and the day came to a close.

Today is Sophie’s school fair. It should be fun. I need to do some work before heading out around noon, but if the power stays on that should be fine.