Mark R. Kelly at Locus Online has published some highlights from the Locus ‘Forthcoming Books’ list, which appears in full in the December 2010 issue of the magazine. I need to pour over the whole thing but, since I’m interested for various reasons, I thought I’d excerpt the anthologies listed on the ‘selected highlights’. This list is by no means complete, of course, and it only goes up till September, but it looks like a busy year ahead. If you have an anthology coming out, or know of one, let me know in comments and I’ll happily add it here. I will also try to find the time to add links to the titles as I can.
January 2011
- Adams, John Joseph, ed. • Brave New Worlds, (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
- Strahan, Jonathan, ed., Engineering Infinity, (Solaris US, anth)
February 2011
- Lansdale, Joe R., ed., Crucified Dreams, (Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
- Saberhagen, Joan, ed., Golden Reflections, (Baen, anth, hc)
- Weber, David, ed., Worlds of Honor #5: In Fire Forged, (Baen, anth, hc)
March 2011
- Guran, Paula, ed., Vampires: The Recent Undead, (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
- Gustainis, Justin, ed., Those Who Fight Monsters, (Hades/EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy, anth, tpb)
- Rambo, Cat, Paul Tremblay & Sean Wallace, eds., Worlds of Fantasy: The Best of Fantasy Magazine, (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
- Strahan, Jonathan, ed., The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Five, (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
April 2011
- Datlow, Ellen, & Terri Windling, eds., Teeth: Vampire Tales, (Harper, anth, hc)
- Farr, Russell ed., Dead Red Heart (Ticonderoga, anth, tp)
- Grzyb, Liz ed., More Scary Kisses (Ticonderoga, anth, tp)
- Sedia, Ekaterina, ed., Bewere the Night, (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
- Strahan, Jonathan, ed., Life on Mars: Tales of the New Frontier, (Viking, anth, hc)
May 2011
- Anderson, Kevin J., ed., Nebula Awards Showcase 2011, (Tor, anth, tpb)
- Strahan, Jonathan, ed., Eclipse Four, (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
- Wentworth, K. D., ed., L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XXVII, (Galaxy, anth)
June 2011
- Datlow, Ellen, ed., Best Horror of the Year: Volume Three, (Night Shade Books, anth, tpb)
- Datlow, Ellen, ed., Supernatural Noir, (Dark Horse, anth, tpb)
- Hartwell, David G., & Kathryn Cramer, eds., Year’s Best SF 16, (Harper Voyager, anth)
- Horton, Rich, ed., The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy: 2011 Edition, (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
- Kushner, Ellen, & Holly Black, eds., Welcome to Bordertown • (Random House, anth, hc)
- Martin, George R. R., ed., Wild Cards: Fort Freak, (Tor, anth, hc)
July 2011
- Datlow, Ellen, ed., Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy, (St. Martin’s, anth, hc)`
- Dozois, Gardner, ed., The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Twenty-eight Annual Collection, (St. Martin’s Griffin, anth, tpb)
- VanderMeer, Jeff, & Ann VanderMeer, eds., The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities, (Harper Voyager, anth, hc)
- Watson, Howard, ed., The Charmed Pot, (PS Publishing, anth, hc)
- Wilbur, Rick, ed., Future Media, (Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
August 2011
- Beagle, Peter S., & Joe R. Lansdale, eds., Urban Fantasy, (Tachyon Publications, anth, tpb)
- Guran, Paula, ed., The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2011 Edition, (Prime Books, anth, tpb)
- Harris, Charlaine, & Toni L. P. Kelner, eds., Home Improvement: Undead Edition, (Ace, anth, hc)
September 2011
- Ciriello, Dario, ed., Panverse Three (anth, tp)Â
- Datlow, Ellen, ed., Blood and Other Cravings, (Tor, anth, hc)
No date
- Dozois, Gardner & George R. R. Martin, Down These Strange Streets (Viking, antho, hc)Â
One more from me in 2011: Supernatural Noir will be coming out from Dark Horse in June. I’m assuming in trade pb.
A couple you might be interested from Ticonderoga:
April 2011, More Scary Kisses, ed Liz Grzyb (tpb)
April 2011, Dead Red Heart, ed Russell B Farr (hc, tpb)
I have the following reprint anthologies coming out in 2011:
1) The Year’s Top Ten Tales of Science Ficiton 3 (April)
2) The Year’s Top Short SF Novels (June)
3) Timeless Time Travel Tales (August)
4) Steampunk Specs (October)