Eclipse Four – ToC revealed

Well, since I’m working on the copyedits with the authors, it must be okay to release the table of contents for Eclipse Four. There were all sorts of dramas, but I’m very pleased with the end result. The final ToC is:

Introduction, Jonathan Strahan
“Slow as a Bullet”, Andy Duncan
“Tidal Forces”, Caitlin R. Kiernan
“The Beancounter’s Cat”, Damien Broderick
“Story Kit”, Kij Johnson
“The Man in Grey”, Michael Swanwick
“Old Habits”, Nalo Hopkinson
“The Vicar of Mars”, Gwyneth Jones
“Fields of Gold”, Rachel Swirsky
“Thought Experiment”, Eileen Gunn
“The Double of My Double Is Not My Double”, Jeffrey Ford
“Nine Muses”, Emma Bull
“Dying Young”, Peter M Ball
“The Panda Coin”, Jo Walton
“Tourists”, James Patrick Kelly

You can see the subtle but classy cover (and incidentally pre-order the book) over here. I should also add that I am already reading the first stories for Eclipse Five (heck, I’ve bought one!)

8 thoughts on “Eclipse Four – ToC revealed”

  1. I am anxiously awaiting this one, and seeing at TOC and cover art just means it is that much closer! Fantastic choice for the cover art. Another winner. Who is the artist, if you don’t mind my asking?

    Also happy to hear that there will be an Eclipse 5

  2. Looks like it will be a great book. The link you gave mentions Elizabeth Hand as one of the contributors, is this just a mistake?.

  3. While I was working on the book a number of people were committed to writing for Eclipse Four. Elizabeth Hand was one of a few writers who had hoped to be part of the book, but unfortunately couldn’t because of other commitments.

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