And it’s another weekend. This morning Garth Nix, bestselling author of the ‘Keys to the Kingdom’ and ‘Old Kingdom’ series, among many wonderful novels, joined Gary and I in the pod to discuss what ‘young adult’ means, the current troubles with bookselling and book publishing, ebooks, his forthcoming novels Troubletwisters (with Sean Williams) and A Confusion of Princes and lots more stuff in a special ‘Pink Drinks’ edition of The Coode Street Podcast. Enjoy!
Daily Archives: 20 February, 2011
It’s a podcasting Sunday morning. I’ve been awake for a little while, and shortly I’ll do the breakfast thing before firing up Skype and connecting with Gary and today’s special guest. I think we’ll be talking about the state of book publishing/book selling, entry books for science fiction readers, and some other cool things, but I don’t really know. Gary and I determinedly keep it casual, so mostly we’ll likely just chat.
Today will very much be a work day. If the timing’s right I’ll go swimming with the girls, but then I need to get on with taxes, editing and other stuff. I have a story ms. that popped through my mail to read, proposals to turn around, and general prep. Busy, busy. We did have a lovely visit from Robin and Toula last night, and that gave the weekend some shine. Much better than sitting around watching TV.
I should likely report in on what I’ve been reading, but that continues to be all over the place. I’m going back and forth between Garth Nix & Sean Williams’ Troubletwisters and Michael Swanwick’s Dancing with Bears, two very different novels that I’m enjoying for very different reasons, while alternately being engaged and annoyed by a bunch of anthologies. Busy times!