Awards, awards, awards …

I have been remiss in posting here, dear readers. For the most part it’s due to the pace of life. I am simply busier than I have been in years, and I find that podcasting with Gary seems to consume whatever motivation I had for regular blogging. Still, I do apologise.

It was a mixed week. On Tuesday the finalists for the  Aurealis Awards were announced by the administrators. I was delighted that Godlike Machines and Wings of Fire were shortlisted for Best Anthology. It’s Marianne’s first major SF award nomination, so it’s really special. I was also delighted to see so many friends nominated – congratulations to them all.

Friday I went to lunch with some work colleagues and then was either overcome by a virus or food poisoning. I was quite ill for the rest of the day, and through a good part of Saturday. I did wake around 1am Saturday, though, and saw that the Ditmar Awards nominations were out. While none of my editing work made the ballot, I was very pleased to see The Coode Street Podcast nominated for Best Fan Publication in Any Medium.  Gary and I are having a lot of fun recording the podcast, and it’s wonderful to see it recognised like this.  I was also delighted to see so many friends and fellow podcasters make the ballot. Again, congratulations to one and all!

The Swancon awards administrators also posted the Tin Duck Awards nominations – these are the Western Australian SF awards – and both The Coode Street Podcast and the Boxing Day Super Mega Podcast – made the final ballot. Again a great pleasure to see the main podcast pick up its third awards nomination, and a pleasure to see so many find nominees.  Congratulations again to everyone!

I had hoped Saturday would be productive work-wise, and Sunday too – Marianne’s going away next weekend and I need to get things done – but illness and family support wiped out Saturday and Sunday is under threat.  Still, things are getting done! More soon.

Episode 44: Live with Gary K. Wolfe

And we’re back to normal. Gary returned to Chicago from ICFA to dine with China Mieville and write his column, while Jonathan was struck down by an unpleasant bug. Nontheless, climbing from his sick bed, he called Gary to discuss awards, book collecting, using genre as a lens, and some other stuff. As always, they hope you enjoy this podcast!

Oh,  and thank you! The Coode Street Podcast has been nominated for a 2011 Ditmar Award. Thank you to every one who nominated and congratulations to our fellow nominees from Galactic Suburbia, Bad Film Diaries, and The Writer and the Critic!

Note: We have moved The Coode Street Podcast to a new hosting service. Please consider updating your subscription to this iTunes subscription link, or use the embedded player below. We will continue to copy the podcast here and to the old iTunes subscription for a while, but it would help if you updated. Thanks!!!

Episode 43 redux

It seems that iTunes is struggling to parse the feed for this episode, so I’m posting a different one. I’ll also put out a more general notice and plan to repeat it at the beginning of the next episode, but we’ve moved our hosting for the podcast to cope with the number of downloads.  If you subscribe to the podcast using iTunes please consider changing your subscription from Notes from Coode Street to The Coode Street Podcast [subscribe link] . Thank you!

Episode 43: Live with Gary K. Wolfe, Karen Burnham, Jeffrey Ford, and Liza Groen Trombi

Convention season is upon us and, on the eve of his birthday, Gary K. Wolfe has ventured out into aligator-infested Florida in search of conversation, con-buddies and, above all else, boat drinks!  In the first of what might just be a series of one podcasts, Gary invited Locus Publications editor-in-chief Liza Groen Trombi, editor and critic Karen Burnham, and award winning author Jeffrey Ford (visiting from the wilds of New Jersey) to sit down and join us in a fairly impromptu and rambling podcast.

Starting without an agenda (or in truth any kind of plan at all) we discuss science fiction criticism and the search for the modern essay, the digital age, Locus online, awards seasons, Reza Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials, The Secret Life of Laird Barron, and the forthcoming Key West Literary Seminar (it’s about the literature of the future this time out).

As always, we hope you enjoy the podcast!

ETA: If you’re having difficulty downloading the podcast, please try the player below.

Episode 42: Live with Gary K. Wolfe

With the Galactic Suburbanites celebrating their birthday just a couple of days ago, Gary and I once again jumped into the pod to record episode 42 (well, 45 if you include the non-series eps) where we discuss George R.R. Martin’s Dance, the Kindle, the iPad, thrillers vs. science fiction, self-publishing, ICFA, and throw in a bit of digital waffle.  This is the last podcast before Gary heads off for his 65th birthday (!), so we hope you enjoy it. We’ll see you next week!