Each year at the beginning of the awards season the question comes around about promoting your own work/nominating your own work for awards. With Nebula and Hugo nominations now open, below is a list of eligible works by category.
Novellas (Nebulas/Hugos)
- Martian Chronicles, Cory Doctorow (Life on Mars)
Novelettes (Nebulas/Hugos)
- Dying Young, Peter M Ball (Eclipse Four)
- Mercies, Gregory Benford (Engineering Infinity)
- Walls of Flesh, Bars of Bone, Damien Broderick & Barbara Lamar (Engineering Infinity)
- Creatures with Wings, Kathleen Ann Goonan (Engineering Infinity)
- The Ki-Anna, Gwyneth Jones (Engineering Infinity)
- The Vicar of Mars, Gwyneth Jones (Eclipse Four)
- Tourists, James Patrick Kelly (Eclipse Four)
- The Old Man and the Martian Sea, Alastair Reynolds (Life on Mars)
- Laika’s Ghost, Karl Schroeder (Engineering Infinity)
- A Taste of Promises, Rachel Swirsky (Life on Mars)
- Fields of Gold, Rachel Swirsky (Eclipse Four)
- Judgement Eve, John C. Wright (Engineering Infinity)
Short Stories (Nebulas/Hugos)
- Attlee and the Long Walk, Kage Baker (Life on Mars)
- Martian Heart, John Barnes (Life on Mars)
- The Birds and the Bees and the Gasoline Trees, John Barnes (Engineering Infinity)
- On Chryse Plain, Stephen Baxter (Life on Mars)
- The Invasion of Venus, Stephen Baxter (Engineering Infinity)
- The Beancounter’s Cat, Damien Broderick (Eclipse Four)
- Nine Muses, Emma Bull (Eclipse Four)
- Slow as a Bullet, Andy Duncan (Eclipse Four)
- The Double of My Double Is Not My Double, Jeffrey Ford (Eclipse Four)
- Thought Experiment, Eileen Gunn (Eclipse Four)
- Old Habits, Nalo Hopkinson (Eclipse Four)
- Story Kit, Kij Johnson (Eclipse Four)
- Tidal Forces, Caitlin R. Kiernan (Eclipse Four)
- Goodnight Moons, Ellen Klages (Life on Mars)
- First Principle, Nancy Kress (Life on Mars)
- Digging, Ian McDonald (Life on Mars)
- A Soldier of the City, David Moles (Engineering Infinity)
- Wahala, Nnedi Okorafor (Life on Mars)
- The Server and the Dragon, Hannu Rajaniemi (Engineering Infinity)
- Mantis, Robert Reed (Engineering Infinity)
- Larp on Mars, Chris Roberson (Life on Mars)
- Watching the Music Dance, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Engineering Infinity)
- Bit Rot, Charles Stross (Engineering Infinity)
- The Man in Grey, Michael Swanwick (Eclipse Four)
- The Panda Coin, Jo Walton (Eclipse Four)
- Malak, Peter Watts (Engineering Infinity)
Editor, Short Form (Hugos)
- Jonathan Strahan
Books (5): The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year: Volume Six; Eclipse Four; Engineering Infinity; Life on Mars; Dangerous Ways: Mystery Novels by Jack Vance)
Magazines (12): Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Field, Reviews Editor, Jan-Dec 2011 issues)
Semiprozine (Hugos)
- Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Field (Jan-Dec 2011 issues)
 Fanzine (Hugos)
- The Coode Street Podcast by Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe (Episodes 32-82 published in 2011) (Episode list)
Fancast (Hugos)
- Â The Coode Street Podcast by Jonathan Strahan & Gary K. Wolfe (Episodes 32-82 published in 2011) (Episode list)
I encourage everyone to look at these and all of the other very fine works that are eligible for awards in 2012 and nominate the works that you loved! Your nomination and vote are important and the more people that are involved, the better the awards are!
Edited: Edited to remove Live and Sassy from Fancast/Fanzine to match eligibility criteria.