
Even high atop the Coode Street Motel 6 we’re aware of the pressures of time passing. Deadlines pile up, rather less attractively than fresh falls of snow early in the Winter, and July looks set to be a month when things Must Be Done: stories edited, books delivered and so on.

And time is limited. So, with some reluctant, we’re amending our usual regular schedule of a new Coode Street Podcast every darned week. Instead, and for the month of July only, we will be recording every second week. This means the new schedule for the Waldorf Room is:

7-8 July:    No podcast
14-15 July: Gary goes to Readercon. Podcast!
21-22 July: No podcast
28-29 July:    Podcast!

We’ll then return to our schedule of a new podcast every darned week in August. We’re yet to decide what we’re doing through August, though I do know we have some interesting guests lined up and that we hope to record a whole batch of podcasts during Chicon 7 at the end of the month. We’ve not planned those yet, but we need a sufficient backlog to see us through the World Fantasy Convention Hiatus, when we will all be travelling and things will be discombobulated.

We do appreciate your understanding and patience during July and will see you back in the Waldorf Room, or wherever your listen to the podcast, in two weeks.