Episode 147: Live with M. John Harrison!

This week M. John Harrison, award-winning author of Viriconium, The Course of the Heart, the “Empty Space” trilogy, and Climbers, joins Gary and Jonathan on the podcast to discuss publishing his new ‘Autotelia’ story “Cave and Julia” as a Kindle single, the literalisation of metaphor, pathways to reading the “Empty Space” trilogy, the influence of Arthur Machen on his work, short story as an experimental laboratory and many other things. It is, we think, a fascinating episode of the podcast and, as always, we hope you enjoy it!  Our sincere thanks to Mike for his time. We hope to continue the conversation some time soon.

4 thoughts on “Episode 147: Live with M. John Harrison!”

  1. Great conversation! I too try to problem-solve and puzzle-solve in all my reading, and it’s a good reminder that life doesn’t always work out that way.

    Very professional and informative opening to the podcast, but I must admit, I miss the flail!

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