Episode 206: Peter Halasz, Robert J. Sawyer and Canadian SF

In recent weeks Coode Street has discussed the national SF scenes in the United Kimgdom, Australia and China. This week we are joined by Peter Halasz and Hugo and Nebula Award winning author Robert J Sawyer, both long-standing advocates of Canadian science fiction, to discuss what’s happening in SF/F north of the US border.

We’d like to thank both Bob and Peter for joining us in what was a very spirited and energetic discussion. Next week: Kameron Hurley!  Till then, we hope you enjoy the episode.

One thought on “Episode 206: Peter Halasz, Robert J. Sawyer and Canadian SF”

  1. At one point, Rob and Peter speak of Canada’s relationship with the U.S., comparing it with that of New Zealand to Australia. Of course, they were speaking of English-speaking Canada, which probably explains the mention of Canada’s population being 30 million as that almost precisely leaves out the 7 million francophones numbered among the 35 million Canadians of today. To some extent, the relationship of French-speaking Canada to the rest of the country may resemble that of New Zealand and Australia, or perhaps Canada and the U.S.

    And yes, there is such a thing as French-Canadian science-fiction, since 1839.

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