When can you expect to hear The Coode Street Podcast during the second half of 2017? Well, that’s complicated. We typically record episodes of the podcast when we both are at home, or when one of us is at convention and we can use hotel wi-fi to connect and record. We also try to keep the podcast current, so we don’t have episodes stockpiled.
Given that Gary will be attending Readercon 28 (13-17 July) and we both will be attending WorldCon 75 (9-13 August) and traveling in Europe, there will be some breaks. At the moment we intend to have new episodes:
July 9
July 16 (depending on wi-fi etc)
July 23
We will then be on a hiatus from July 23 till August 3.
Normal weekly scheduling should resume and run through till November 19. We will then be on hiatus from November 20 until January 26. This long break is due to me working on my year’s best anthology and our shared commitment to working for Locus. Oh, and Christmas.
We plan to record some additional episodes during WorldCon that will be released during our hiatus.