Episode 464: Ten Minutes with Derek Künsken

Ten minutes with… is a special series presented by Coode Street that sees readers and booklovers from around the world talk about what they’re reading right now and what’s getting them through these difficult times.

Today Jonathan spends ten minutes or so chatting with Derek Künsken about how he’s been dealing with these strange and difficult times, what he’s been reading and would recommend, the fiction of R. Scott Bakker and Isaac Asimov, an enormous X-Men re-read, some terrific recent comics, and more.

Books mentioned include:

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Episode 463: Ten Minutes with Sam J. Miller

Ten minutes with… is a special series presented by Coode Street that sees readers and booklovers from around the world talk about what they’re reading right now and what’s getting them through these difficult times.

Multiple award winner Sam J. Miller joins Gary to discuss judging this year’s Neukom Award (with its intimidating list of finalists), catching up with some favourite writers of colour, finally getting around to a classic, the remarkable narrative skills of William Gibson, and Sam’s own forthcoming ghost story novel, The Blade Between.

Books mentioned include:

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Episode 462: Ten Minutes with Catherynne M. Valente

Ten minutes with… is a special series presented by Coode Street that sees readers and booklovers from around the world talk about what they’re reading right now and what’s getting them through these difficult times.

Today Jonathan spends ten minutes with bestselling, multiple award-winning author of Space Opera, Catherynne M. Valente, who joins him from an island of the northeastern coast of America, to talk about reading, writing and working during these strange times and trying to do so with an infant in the house, the work of Hank Green and Jenny Slate, her love of Dune, her upcoming short fiction, the return of Tetley Abdnego, and much more.

Books mentioned include:

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Episode 461: Ten Minutes with G. Willow Wilson

Ten minutes with… is a special series presented by Coode Street that sees readers and booklovers from around the world talk about what they’re reading right now and what’s getting them through these difficult times.

Hugo and World Fantasy Award-winning G. Willow Wilson chats with Gary about what living in Seattle has felt like during the plague time and the city’s characteristically progressive politics, the fascination of listening to Proust on Audible, the remarkably prescient writing of James Baldwin and the literary innovations of William Makepeace Thackeray, and what it’s like to write in the Sandman universe after having been enthralled by it when younger.

Books mentioned include:

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Episode 460: Ten Minutes with F. Brett Cox

Ten minutes with… is a special series presented by Coode Street that sees readers and booklovers from around the world talk about what they’re reading right now and what’s getting them through these difficult times.

Gary talks with writer, professor, critic, editor, and Shirley Jackson Awards board member F. Brett Cox about the Jackson Awards, the early days of punk, Andy Duncan, Elizabeth Hand, the mysterious Jack Parsons, Anthony Boucher, Daniel Defoe, the Strugatsky brothers, Octavia Butler, and Brett’s own short fiction (including new story “Bend in the Air” in Patricia Bray & S.C. Butler’s Portals).

Books mentioned include:

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