Episode 542: Ten Minutes with Jason Sizemore

ApexMag121.jpgLast year Coode Street sat down with people from all over the world to talk about what they were reading, what they were up to, and how they were coping with strange times. We did it every day, which we probably never will again, and along the way found out it was fun and interesting to check in for a short chat. We’re continuing that during 2021.

Ten Minutes with Jason Sizemore

The first “Ten Minutes with…” chat for 2021 is with Apex Magazine editor and publisher, Jason Sizemore. Apex is an award-winning magazine that publishes fantastic fiction. It paused publication due to illness, but is back with exciting new material in 2021. During our conversation Jason discusses the future of the magazine, watching Deadwood for the first time, and the fiction of Mary Doria Russell.

2 thoughts on “Episode 542: Ten Minutes with Jason Sizemore”

  1. This is labelled “Episode 542: Ten Minutes with Jason Sizemore” but it’s actually “Episode 543: Ten Minutes with Max Gladstone”.

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