Saturday morning, back at home, still in the endless pandemic

No reading this week at all, which is not great. Sleeping is very poor, which is also not great. Spent a few nights in a hotel so we could get through painting parts of the house, which was, no fault of the hotel, not great. Today, new carpet in one room and some cleaning and organisation elsewhere in advance of the next round of changes. What else? Some day job stuff, some editing stuff – nothing too interesting.

Youngest did have a glam filming thing yesterday. Was radiant and came home in a great mood. We ended up watching Ted Lass, which was a goofy fun Christmas piece of fluff.

At the same time, a good portion of the country is in lockdown. Not here for now, but who knows? It’s endless and it’s wearing and it’s a million times worse for those actually locked down in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and elsewhere.  Good thoughts to them. But this was supposed to have been a fun weekend. Right now I was supposed to be in Adelaide hanging out with dear friends I’ve already not seen in over two years, as time slips away. I think we might try again some time in 2022, but every moment delayed is precious.  Hang on to those around you.

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