It’s the first day of a new month and I’m going to try to use that as a kick-off for a bit of a fresh start. I need to exercise, organise, and work more if 2022 is going to work out. I also need to read more, watch less, and just do things. Today is a Sunday and it’s a slow-ish start. I’ve had my first and only coffee of the day and it’s still only 7.30 am. Soon, shower, breakfast, out to Yahava to pick up some stuff, then back to work on taxes and edits while the family is out.
As to my intentions for the day – actually work on things. I’m reading some things for Tordotcom right now, working on The Book of Witches, looking at proposals, and more. I’m busy, but not as busy as I should be.
Yesterday, Saturday, was an odd day. With the pandemic still far from over, just moving into ever more different phases of itself, yesterday (Saturday) I attended my first convention of 2022. Swancon Not-A-Con was a very small placeholder event run to make sure Swancons didn’t disappear from the earth and to give people a good time. I would guess somewhere between 80 to 120 people, and most of them seemed busy gaming. I had no plans to attend originally, but in the end spent a couple of hours there.
Everyone was masked, which was fine, but made it impossible for me to function, really. My hearing has deteriorated to the point where masks are enough to make it very difficult to make out what anyone is saying, which is a concern for Chicago. We’ll see how that goes, though. I had an enjoyable time. Saw a few old friends (Gina, Dave, Russell and Liz, Stephen), went to a book launch, an informal memorial for Jeremy) and then home. All quite pleasant.
We continue to watch more TV than is probably a good idea. Last night was the ninth episode of the second season of Star Trek: Picard, which continues it’s long slide from interesting to ST:NG spinoff. So be it. It was ok.
Since this is the first post in a long time, really, I’ll make note that it is now four months since my last Meniere’s attack. I don’t have an exact date, but it was at the end of December, or very early January. There seems to be a direct correlation between exercise and diet, and having attacks. This is both good and bad news, depending on how you look at it.
I am not reading enough, or what I should. I want to read some William Gibson, but should be reading something new. Will see what happens there, and maybe say something here. In the meantime, Kathleen Jennings is writing interesting things about short fiction over here. Check it out.