Episode 615: The Coode Street Advent Calendar: Nghi Vo

Siren-Queen.jpegAlthough Nghi Vo published her first short story all the way back in 2007, it’s only been in the last five years that she’s really grabbed everyone’s attention, first with the ‘Singing Hills’ cycle of novellas, then with her stunning debut novel, The Chosen and the Beautiful. This year she has two books among the year’s very best: ‘Singing Hills’ novella Into the Riverlands and her fabulous sophomore novel, Siren Queen.

Today for the Coode Street Advent Calendar Gary sits down to talk to Nghi about what she’s been reading, what she’d recommend, her holiday reads, and what she’s got coming out.

As always, our thanks to Nghi for making the time. We hope you all enjoy the episode.

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