Episode 616: The Coode Street Advent Calendar: Tochi Onyebuchi

Goliath, Tochi OnyebuchiWe spoke with Tochi Onyebuchi back in 2020 as part of “Ten Minutes with…“, when his award-winning novella Riot Baby was still new in the world. Since then Tochi’s been busy but has still managed to deliver another incredible novel, this time Goliath.

Today Jonathan and Tochi discuss what he’s been reading, what he’d recommend, his holiday reads, and what he’s been working on.

As always, our thanks to Tochi. We hope you enjoy the episode.

Books to look forward to in 2023

We are at the end of the year as I write this and I’m beginning to throw together a list of books coming out in 2023 that I’m interested in reading. This list will change and evolve over time, but this is a start at least.

  1. Blade of Dream, Daniel Abraham
  2. Conquest, Nina Allan
  3. The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport, Samit Basu
  4. The Saint of Bright Doors, Vajra Chandrasekera
  5. Furious Heaven, Kate Elliott
  6. The Landing, Mary Gentle
  7. Menewood, Nicola Griffith
  8. Starling House, Alix E. Harrow
  9. The Water Outlaws, S.L. Huang
  10. Thornhedge, T. Kingfisher
  11. The Deep Sky, Yume Kitasei
  12. Translation State, Ann Leckie
  13. White Cat, Black Dog, Kelly Link (collection)
  14. The Blue Beautiful World, Karen Lord
  15. Hopeland, Ian McDonald
  16. No One Will Come Back For Us and Other Stories, Premee Mohamed (collection)
  17. The Sinister Booksellers of Bath, Garth Nix
  18. Jackal, Jackal: Tales of the Dark and Fantastic, Tobi Ogundiran (collection)
  19. Under My Skin, K.J. Parker (collection)
  20. He Who Drowned the World, Shelley Parker-Chan
  21. Lost Places, Sarah Pinsker (collection)
  22. Machine Vendetta, Alastair Reynolds
  23. The Navigating Fox, Christopher Rowe
  24. Joanna Russ: Novels and Stories, Joanna Russ (collection)
  25. Him, Geoff Ryman
  26. New Suns 2, Nishi Shawl ed.
  27. Ghost Engine, Charles Stross
  28. Shigidi and the Brass Head of Obalufon, Wole Talabi
  29. Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh
  30. System Collapse, Martha Wells
  31. The Road to Roswell, Connie Willis
  32. The Wolfe at the Door, Gene Wolfe (collection)
  33. Jewel Box, E. Lily Yu (collection)

Episode 615: The Coode Street Advent Calendar: Nghi Vo

Siren-Queen.jpegAlthough Nghi Vo published her first short story all the way back in 2007, it’s only been in the last five years that she’s really grabbed everyone’s attention, first with the ‘Singing Hills’ cycle of novellas, then with her stunning debut novel, The Chosen and the Beautiful. This year she has two books among the year’s very best: ‘Singing Hills’ novella Into the Riverlands and her fabulous sophomore novel, Siren Queen.

Today for the Coode Street Advent Calendar Gary sits down to talk to Nghi about what she’s been reading, what she’d recommend, her holiday reads, and what she’s got coming out.

As always, our thanks to Nghi for making the time. We hope you all enjoy the episode.

Episode 614: The Coode Street Advent Calendar: John Clute

sticking.jpegThere are friends of the Podcast and then there’s family. We’ve been talking to the great and glorious John Clute — writer, critic, encyclopedist, and more — since 2010.

Whether it’s been about events at the SF Encyclopedia, happenings in SF, or some other thing, he has always been warm, witty, and wise. Today Gary called John in Camden to talk about what he’s been reading and what he’d recommend, while also spending some time chatting about his latest collection of essays, Sticking to the End.

As always, our thanks to John for making the time. We hope you enjoy the podcast.

Episode 613: The Coode Street Advent Calendar: Naseem Jamnia

bruising.jpegDepending on where you are in the world the weather is either turning chilly or it’s becoming warm and sunny, but either way, it’s not long till the end of our Advent Calendar. Today Gary talks to Naseem Jamnia about what they’ve been reading, what they’d recommend, and their exciting new novella, The Bruising of Qilwa.

As always we’d like to thank Naseem for making the time to talk to us and hope you all enjoy the episode!