Another probably ill-fated attempt to restore the old diary-taking muscles I developed when blogging was still a thing. Let’s see how we go.
Last night was a quiet one. The girls and I dropped around at my mum’s to have a quick glass of champagne and to wish her a Happy New Year (far too early), and then home for a low-key dinner and our annual re-watch of Carrie Pilby. Sophie and I then exchanged lists, and to bed.
I woke too early, but since Sophie hadn’t slept at all, we chatted for a couple hours while I tried to emerge from my slumbers and focus. I didn’t quite manage that, but I did end up heading over to East Perth to meet Alisa for our first catch-up in far too long. It was terrific. We chatted, caught up, and just basically hung out like it was forever ago. A lovely way to spend part of New Year’s Day.
And now the girls are out and I should be editing, so…