All posts by Jonathan Strahan

Leaving soon.

On Saturday Miss 12 and I head off to Europe, leaving Marianne and Miss 14 to manage the home front. This is a huge trip. We’re heading to Normandy to celebrate Ellen Klages’s birthday, before spending a few days in Paris and then London for WorldCon and tourism. It should be amazing. It feels like we’ve been talking about it for years.   While I’ve been terrible at this, we’re going to try to record some of the details of the trip here. There will be planes, food, sights, food, shows, food, convention, food, and so on. It should be cool.

Episode 165: Questions from the audience

While our intrepid podcasters brave the wilds of London, a new episode for you (hopefully)! With no specific topic in mind, and having sent a greeting to Sleepless in Wagga, Gary and Jonathan answer questions:

  • from Guy in Toronto about single malt whisky;
  • from Fred in New Jersey on:
    • Clifford Simak. Cordwainer Smith. Fritz Leiber. Are they forgotten?;
    • Agents of SHIELD; and
    • making a pitch for a Greg Egan retrospective short story collection; and
  • from Michael about how crowd-funding has changed the anthology market.
All in all, thanks to the friends of the podcast, it made for an interesting and entertaining episode. We hope you enjoy it. We’ll be back soon!

Download the episode here.