A new monologue from the Morley Bunker of the Coode Street global conglomerate wherein I discuss:
1. Intro
2. Subterranean Magazine [00.45 secs]
3. Making a living as a freelance anthologist [03:00 mins]
I make particular mention of fine new stories by Maureen F. McHugh, Tom Holt and Gord Sellar at Subterranean Magazine, a publication and publisher well worth your support.
Cat Sparks has announced that the reading period for the fourth Agog! anthology, Agog! Ripping Reads!, is now open. Cat will be reading from January through March 2006. The book, which is open to Australian residents (and others by invitation), will be launched in Canberra in June 2006.
The Agog anthologies, which now include Daikaiju, Smashing Stories, Terrific Tales, and Fantastic Fiction, have become a staple of the Australian SF scene over the past four years and it’s great to see, after a year’s hiatus, that another one’s in the works.
Hi anyone. If you stumble across this space, it’s not an actual blog yet, though it might be. I’m in the midst of experimenting, working out what I’m doing and so on. If you’re interested in the main blog, check out http://notesfromcoodestreet.blogspot.com, or just keep an eye out here for developments.
Hmm. Jeff’s done the ‘New Year’s Resolution‘ thing, which I continue to avoid, though I’ll probably give into to it shortly. His decision to buy fewer books and cds resonated. Last year I bought an enormous amount of new music and an iPod. I immediately ripped everything onto the iPod, set it on shuffle, and proceeded to not listen to an enormous amount of it. So, the idea of buying less music, but listening to what I do buy more sounds solid.