Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything much of substance here. I put it down to being busy and also being stumped. I know I need to completely re-design this place so it makes sense. I need to shift the podcast exclusively over to Podbean, and I will do that at some point later in the year. I also need to work out how best to represent my books and editing work, and how to separate that from any personal blogging I may do. Soon. Well, not soon really. Reno is soon. Anything else will come later.
What have I been up to lately, you ask? Well, apart from suffering from acute day job madness and a series of small maladies, mostly reading and working. All of the work on Under My Hat is pretty much done, and I’m now turning my attention to Edge of Infinity. I am also trying to work out what’s happening with two of my other projects, both of which I’m unsure about. I am working to delivering the next year’s best, which is contracted for, on schedule, but I need to determine what’s happening with it before I progress with it too much further. Same with Eclipse Five. In related news, I quietly cancelled Cyberpunk. My thanks for everyone’s feedback/input, but in the end I couldn’t quite make it fly.
Oh, I should add a thank you to the World Fantasy Awards judges. I’m delighted Swords and Dark Magic is nominated, and hope to be in San Diego for the convention. As I write the likelihood of that is good, though it is by no means certain. We’re trying to plan a quite expensive family trip to visit relatives in New York. If that happens, then I shall be at WFC. If not, I’ll be looking to re-sell a membership, probably not long after returning from Reno. I think that’s unlikely though.