And novellas

If 2015 was a good year for novels, it was an even better for year for novellas. With Tor, Subterranean, PS Publishing and a whole range of other publishers committing to novellas, there’s more interesting long SF/F being published than in a long, long time.

There were a number of long stories, like Kai Ashante Wilson’s Sorcerer of the Wildeeps and Elizabeth Hand’s Wylding Hall which sit on the cusp of being novels, but belong on any list of the year’s best fiction.

I could have named another handful of stories, but I loved all of these. Any would have made a terrific winner, and I’m delighted Al Reynolds’ story actually made the final ballot. You should see all of these out, if you haven’t already done so.

Best Novella

  1. The Four Thousand, the Eight Hundred, Greg Egan (Asimov’s)
  2. The Pauper Prince and the Eucalyptus Jinn, Usman T. Malik (
  3. Slow Bullets, Alastair Reynolds (Tachyon)
  4. Waters of Versailles, Kelly Robson (
  5. Gypsy, Carter Scholz (Gypsy Plus..).

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