Off to New York

Well, LAConIV is over. Much convivial drinking, talking and general catching up was had in what felt like a somewhat low key convention. I’ve got very little emailing done, for which I apologise. I’ll try to get something meaningful on the blog soon, but I’m unsure of connectivity in Staten Island where I’m going or in Livingston Manor. While I’m really ready to go home now, it’ll be good to see the family.

Well, we had a busy Thursday and Friday. The girls were both delighted, exhausted and discombobulated by the whole experience. I have to admit to have ended up kind of tired and cranky by the end of it all, but I’m delighted we got to Fenton’s for icecream, that we stayed with Kirsten and AAron (who were amazing hosts!), that we had breakfast with Grace and Joe, and the Thanksgiving Dinner at Charles’s house with Amelia, Mark  Marina, Kirsten & AAron, and Charles (of course), was a real highlight. Sophie ended up giving American 100,000 thumb’s up! It was sweet. This morning she said she was really happy she came because she made new friends like AAron (who made a real impression) and Amelia (who was wonderful with both girls). They’ve headed off to New York, and I’m going to collapse into a blurry heap until LACon(on which, I promise to email everyone in the next 24 hrs about scheduling).

Still tripping

Well we made it. The pilot hotfooted it across the Pacific and we made it to San Francisco in under thirteen hours. Even so, the only one of us to sleep was Sophie. Jess ended up pretty much staggered with jetlag. We arrived at 6.15pm, rented a car and got to Kirsten and AAron’s welcoming home at about 9pm. We were utterly spent. Today’s been fun. Up to Locus, see friends and icecream for the kids at Fenton’s. More soon

The beginning of the trip…

Well, we set off bright and early on a wet and windy morning. Jessica, Sophie, Marianne and I piled into a big taxi and rode out to the airport. The girls were very excited because it was their first ride in a taxi. We spent a short time at the airport and then jumped onto an enormous plane for the ride to Sydney. The flight was exciting and lots of fun. We had a window seat so the girls could look down on the clouds and the fields. Sophie asked if it was a map she was seeing, and was really excited to find out it was real! We arrived in Sydney and drove out to Garth and Anna’s house while rain, lightning and hail poured down. Their home was cozy and warm, the perfect place to end the day. After dinner and bath for the girls – who had a great time playing with Thomas and Edward (Jess LOVED their drums) – we sent them all off to bed so we could have grownups dinner. It was Jess and Sophie’s first night sleeping away from home, so they had some trouble sleeping. In the end  – after a great evening – the girls ended up sleeping with me. In the morning we had breakfast, and then strolled down through Bronte towards the beach. Not long after we took a taxi out to the airport, to find out that the plane was delayed by ten hours. We’ve spent today in and around a hotel. In about four hours we head back to the airport and on to the plane for the big trip. Sophie’s fast asleep right now.