Books I’m looking forward to…Part 4. April 2009

Hmm. I guess this something about my state of mind, or about the vagaries of publishing schedules, but I find that this month I’m not looking forward to any new release titles. There are some cool ones poised just over the horizon in May, but that’s next month. This month, time to work through the ‘To Read’ pile and enjoy what I have.

Maybe if you have something you’re looking forward to that is being published in April you could mention it in the comments to this post.

5 thoughts on “Books I’m looking forward to…Part 4. April 2009”

  1. I’d thought I was looking forward to a short fiction anthology edited by Nick Gevers and Jay Lake, “Other Earths,” but if you’re not looking forward to it, how can I? :)

    The other April titles I’m looking forward to are in series: Charlie Stross’s Merchant Princes #5, The Revolution Business, and Sarah Monette’s Doctrine of Labyrinths #4, Corambis.

  2. April & May, nothing comes to mind. March was James Enge’s Blood of Ambrose.

    June, on the other hand? Why certainly…Rage of the Behemoth, an anthology of heroic adventure featuring Andy Offutt and Richard K. Lyon last tale together, Lois Tilton writing from retirement, Mary Rosenblum, Brian Ruckley, C.L.Werner, and 16 other talented authors all wrapped in the delicious art of Johnney Perkins and Didier Normand.

    Other than that, not much really ;)

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