Wonderful news! The nominees for the 2013 World Fantasy Awards have just been announced and I am delighted to report Under My Hat has been nominated for Best Anthology. Â It’s nominated alongside some wonderful books, and there is a lot of terrific stuff on the ballot. The other nominees in the Anthology category are:
- Epic: Legends of Fantasy, John Joseph Adams, ed. (Tachyon)
- Three Messages and a Warning: Contemporary Mexican Short Stories of the Fantastic, Eduardo Jiménez Mayo & Chris N. Brown, eds. (Small Beer)
- Magic: An Anthology of the Esoteric and Arcane, Jonathan Oliver, ed. (Solaris)
- Postscripts #28/#29: Exotic Gothic 4, Danel Olson, ed. (PS Publishing)
- Under My Hat: Tales from the Cauldron, Jonathan Strahan, ed. (Random House)
Congratulations to my fellow nominees, and to everyone else on the ballot. It’s a terrific bunch of work, and a lot of my favourites from 2012 have been acknowledged. I’ve made special nods elsewhere, but especial congratulations to my fellow Aussie nominees Kaaron, Anna and Kathleen, and my own editor Jon Oliver. Â Also to Bill Schafer, who isn’t recognised enough for his incredible work.
I would like to acknowledge the incredible work done by the writers who provided the stories and poem for the book, the artists and designers who’ve worked on it., the editors and copyeditors, the publishers, the audio people, my agent Howard, my daughter Sophie (who helped edit it), and the incredible people at Random House (Jim Thomas & co) and Hot Key (Sarah Odedina & team) without whom the book wouldn’t have been possible. There efforts were never less than stellar, and are deeply appreciated. Together we’re a small village, and this nomination belongs to all of us.