Episode 306: Geoff Ryman and 100 African Writers of SFF

This week we are joined by Nebula, Clarke, Tiptree, Campbell, and World Fantasy Award winner Geoff Ryman to discuss his important new project, 100 African Writers of SF/F, which sees Ryman traversing the African continent meeting new creators of science fiction and fantasy to discuss their careers, their work and the places they find themselves working.

We also discuss the recently announced 2017 nominations for the African Speculative Fiction Society’s Nommo Award, which will be presented later this year, and a diverse range of other work.  Toward’s the end of our discussion Geoff mentions Adofe Atogun’s novel, Taduno’s Song which we promised to list here so listeners could find it.


As always, we’d like to thank Geoff for making the time to join us, and hope you enjoy the podcast. If you’d like to do some further reading in African SFF some resources are listed below. We’d also strongly recommend checking out the voters packet for the Nommo Awards, which will be released shortly.

Some online resources: