For tomorrow…

Blogs always tempt rash, ill-considered comments. I’ve certainly done that, here and elsewhere, and up to a point I accept that as what happens. I do, however, want to make a serious point about the recent US election.

I have read a lot of comments from despairing American citizens who are struggling to come to terms with the results of yesterday’s election. After all, by any measure it is an overwhelming endorsement of President Bush and his policies. I’m struggling too, but I would encourage those people not to despair. Why? Because the rest of the world needs you, each and every one of you. Again, why?

Well, writing as someone living outside the United States, it feels very much like we non-Americans are at your nation’s mercy. Your nation overwhelms us with cultural exports, influences our domestic politics, dominates our economies, and invades us when, and as, it sees fit.

Realistically, the only protection we have is a sane American electorate, a body of voters who will eventually turn back the political tide. Sure, it is possible to talk about historical precedents for the rest of the world eventually rising up and overthrowing nations that act the way the United States is currently acting, but that is unlikely, violent and too long term. The best solution is for American citizens who want a better life for themselves, their children, and for the rest of the world to appreciate that they can still make a difference, they can still organise and vote. We cannot not, and we need you to do it.

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