The First Half of the Year

The New Space Opera 2 | Wild Thyme, Green Magic | The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 3
The New Space Opera 2 | Wild Thyme, Green Magic | The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 3

The year is rushing by and, as always, I’m failing to take stock as often I should of all of the great things that are happening. With June almost over, we’re half way through 2009 and I’m about to have three books come out in a rush.

Each is different, and I’m very proud of them for similarly diverse reasons. First up is The New Space Opera 2. As regular readers know, it’s the second in The New Space Opera series of anthologies that I am co-editing with Gardner Dozois. This volume is different from the first – lighter and more adventurous and perhaps even pulpy. There are great stories from many cool people, and you should check it out.

Next up is Wild Thyme, Green Magic. This is the third of the four books of Jack Vance’s work that I’m co-editing with Terry Dowling. This one collects, at its simplest, the rest of Vance’s best short fiction (think of it as the Treasury Vol. 2). Lovely cover, and just out from Subterranean.

And finally, the year’s best. It seems like a year ago that I finished this one (I delivered it in October, I think). Beautiful cover (thank you Jeremy and Fred!) and some wonderful, wonderful stories. It was a good year and I think you can see that in this book. I’m very happy to have signed up to do the next two volumes in the series and am slowly getting down reading for the next one.

Where to next? Well, this is just the first half of the year, however wonderful. Godlike Machines IS coming, as is my special issue of Subterranean and Eclipse Three, all before the end of the year. Not sure what else. Busy, busy.

Tuesday morning

A strange 24 hours. I was getting ready for work on Monday morning when Marianne came in to tell me that it looked like Jessica had had another seizure. When I saw her it was pretty clear that she had, which is a worry. Doctors have assured us that the seizures themselves – she has ones while she’s asleep, usually very early in the morning – don’t do any damage but we need to address possible medication issues and so on. And, she’s our little girl, even at nine, so you worry.

It meant that I started the day worried and tired – another poor night’s sleep – and the day pretty much continued that way.  A solid day in the place-of-employ-that-is-nameless, then home.  The ARC of Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan arrived in the mail, which was wonderful. The publicist had promised to send me a copy, but it never showed. Instead, thanks to Twitter, a very kind person at sent me a spare copy. I’m in his debt.  We don’t have one for Locus yet, so I’ll have to folow that up.  I got home to find the house clean and fresh, and the girls reasonably full of energy.  Homework ensued, pretty much killing my plans to catch up on anthology work before dinner, but was sweet nonetheless. Sophie is becoming a very good reader, and Jessica is solidly learning her basics.  I *think* she’ll get there.

And then I whiled away the evening, chatting with girliejones about Masterchef Australia before reading a couple chapters of Suite Scarlett.  I then actually slept. It’s Tuesday morning and I’m taking a moment over coffee before diving into the day.  Had a work meeting yesterday, and I seem to have walked out with an ocean of stuff to do.