WorldCon Schedules

The programming folk have released the schedule for Aussiecon4. I believe it’s tentative at this stage,  and unfortunately I’m unable to make a number of the events they’ve proposed for me. I hope some or all of these may be able to be resolved, but at the moment this is my schedule:

  • Fri 1200pm: In conversation: Ellen Datlow and Jonathan Strahan;
  • Fri 3.00pm: Kaffeeklatsche;
  • Sat 10am: How much science should be in YA science fiction?
  • Sat 1.00pm: Did the future just arrive?: The e-book and the publishing industry
  • Sun 10.00am: Predicting the Hugos: 2011
  • Sun 1100am: Signing;
  • Sun 12noon:  Jack Vance and the Dying Earth
  • Mon 10.00am: How we edit
  • Mon 11.00 am: The future of short fiction
  • Mon 1.00pm: A house made from stories: Building the anthology

I’m sad that it seems unlikely I’ll be able to make so many of these events, and have my fingers crossed that at least one or two of the Monday events can be resolved.