Episode 157: Live with Ellen Datlow

This weekend in San Antonio, Texas the 71st World Science Fiction Convention is in full swing. Parties are being held, discussions had, panels attended and science fiction celebrated. In amongst it all, Ellen Datlow is being toasted as Guest of Honour, a richly deserved recognition of the amazing contribution this nine-time World Fantasy and five time Hugo Award winner has made to the science fiction and fantasy field.

As a run-up to the weekend, Gary and Jonathan sat down with Ellen to discuss editing, anthologies, her career, and many other things in a frank conversation. The connection to Ellen’s Manhattan pied-à-terre was erratic, so much editing was necessary. The sound quality is fine, but there are one or two spots where the editing may be noticeable. Our apologies for that, and our sincere thanks to Ellen for being part of the podcast.
Next week, most likely, a podcast from WorldCon. Till then, we hope you enjoy the episode.

Subterranean shines with new issue

Subterranean Magazine
Subterranean Magazine

There are many reasons that I love Bill Schafer and Subterranean Press.  As a book lover, I appreciate the well curated, sharply designed and beautifully produced books that they produce. As an editor who has worked with the press, I am staggered by their professionalism and generosity. Everything is done right, and if there’s a minor issue it’s resolved quickly and easily. And as a reader, I love what they choose to publish. Whether it’s Lucius Shepard’s The Dragon Graiule or the eight volumes of The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg or their recent gorgeous Harlan Ellison reprints – they’re all essential.

And then there’s the magazine. I’ve guest edited an issue of Subterranean Magazine and appreciate the quality and variety of work featured by Bill in the magazine, as well as his excellent taste and careful curatorship.  The twenty eight issues published to date include some of the best short fiction published anywhere over the past five years. His support of K.J. Parker’s short fiction alone makes it essential reading.

The latest issue has just been published and it features:

A major new novella by Lewis Shiner and a terrific novelette by Ted Chiang make it a stand out. I recommend the issue heartily and suggest you take a moment to let Bill and the gang know how much you appreciate what they do. I will be.

Bittersweet Bruce

Tickets went sale this morning. Bruce in Perth!! I lucked out and got tickets for the Friday show, but plans went awry so no tickets for Saturday. I’m not really optimistic about fixing that. Both shows seem totally sold out. It means I am going, but only to one Perth show and Marianne won’t be joining me. This is really disappointing. I know she’s not the world’s biggest Bruce fan, but she wanted to go and I wanted her to be there. I hope there’ll be a third show and another chance.

In amongst the madness I bought tickets to the second Melbourne show as well. Suddenly I’m going to the other side of the country with my brother for Broadtrip 2: The Bruce Continues…  Should be fun. Just need that third Perth show and all will be well.

A little more admin

Between September 2011 and June 2012 Alisa Krasnostein and I produced four episodes of Live and Sassy, an informal discussion podcast about issues of interest to us surrounding the publishing business.

After some discussion we’ve decided to officially close the podcast. It was a lot of fun, but as with some other ventures, there just wasn’t the time to keep it going. We’d like to thank Alan Beatts, who guested on one episode, and all of our listeners. And I’d like to thank Alisa, who was a terrific co-host on the episodes.

Episode 156: Live with Sofia Samatar

Cover art for A Stranger in OlondriaThis week Jonathan and Gary are joined in the Gershwin Room by Sofia Samatar, author of the brilliant debut fantasy novel A Stranger in Olondria, which was published by Small Beer Press this April.

In a wide-ranging discussion, we look at the origins of  A Stranger in Olondria, re-encountering genre fiction, the power of language and how we encounter it, and much, much more.
As mentioned in the podcast, you can read more of Sofia’s fiction here:
Another new story is coming up shortly at Lightspeed, and a sequel to A Stranger in Olondria is in the works.
As always, we would like to thank Sofia for taking the time to join us, and hope you enjoy the podcast.
Amended to add: The brilliant Cheryl Morgan, of this parish, did what I failed to do in comment she said:
“The Cuban book is The Island of Eternal Love by Daina Chaviano. “Ricky” is Rikki Ducornet. Jeff VanderMeer has been promoting her for some time. The zombie book is A Questionable Shape by Bennett Sims.”
Many thanks for the information, and the follow up, Cheryl!