More Treasury

Bill over at Subterranean Press has just posted the final table of contents for The Jack Vance Treasury. It’s taken some conversation between Terry and I, a little back and forthing on whether this story should go in or whether it should be that one, but we’ve ended up with about 225,000 words of stories. You can see the final list here. I’d really like to thank John Schwab and everyone at the Vance Integral Edition who didn’t just make the project easier, they helped substantially to make it possible. Without their digital files, we’d have been scanning and proofing until doomsday (shudder).

I’ve also seen a near-final copy of the cover by Tom Kidd, which is just lovely (the b&w sketch on the SubPress page doesn’t do it justice), and George Martin has written a wonderful appreciation for the book. The other thing that is a real highlight is the interstitial material. Jack has written a brief preface for the book, and we’ve managed to source comments from him on almost all of the stories which will run as afterwords (the main source of these, for VancePhiles, was the 1976 The Best of Jack Vance). We’ve also managed to include a biographical sketch written by Jack which hasn’t been widely seen. Given that Jack’s always preferred to let his work speak for itself, this additional material provides some interesting context on this major writer.

As to when you’ll be able to get the Treasury, actually buy one – I think probably in the first quarter of 2007 (Jan/Feb most likely). When I’ve got solid information on that I’ll post it here. In the meantime, you can pre-order the book.