It’s a technical age

So, I sat down on the bed for a moment this afternoon. The family had been off at the Hyde Park Family Fair, had had a pretty good time, then we came home. I thought I’d read and maybe listen to the new Nick Cave album, which was a fine idea. However, after maybe half an hour Jessica (aged 7) came in. She wanted to know what I was doing with that iPod thing, so I let her put the headphones on. I began picking out some music for her to listen to: a little of the new Shelby Lynne cd, Abba, the Bangles, a little Elvis. It was pretty cute. Then Marianne came in, followed by Sophie. Not long after Marianne had brought in her iPod Touch and was surfing the net looking for Looney Toons videos, and I was blogging on the MacBook. And so it goes: a family moment, in a technical age. What pleased me the most was that while all of these products individually isolate us, for a while they brought us together.