Locus blogs…

It had to happen.  The good folk at Locus HQ have decided to start a blog.  The Locus Roundtable launched today, and will feature discussion from many of the Locus regulars, plus others.  Locus Executive Editor Liza Groen Trombi kicks off the blog with an introductory post, but a year-in-review roundtable will follow soon.  And, if I can get my act together there should be some stuff on short fiction soon.

Spotlight on speculative fiction writers

I mentioned that I spoke to the lovely Erica Vowles from ABC Radio’s The Book Show the other day about the Aurealis Awards, reviewing, science fiction and so on.  Well, that went to air this morning and is downloadable as a podcast here.  Erica also speaks to Aurealis SF Novel award winner K. A. Bedford and fantasy novel award winner Alison Goodman, both of whom sound smart, clever and beautiful. I sound, sadly, much as I usually do.  I would like to thank Erica for helping me sound no worse than I usually do.