Staring down deadlines, not flinching

I know I only slept five hours, but I jumped (well staggered) out of bed on Saturday morning and headed direct for the ‘to do’ list. I needed to read, review or write twenty-nine bio notes for the stories in the year’s best, write the introduction, compile my first ever recommended reading list, assemble the manuscript, review/re-write the introduction to the Australian fantasy antho, get the last stories in, review the bio notes for it, read some stories, and get the Locus reviews edited. Along the way I had to make lunch and dinner, and attend ‘Family Movie Night’.

Because I am a machine(!), almost all of this was done by 9pm last night. A good day was had by all, a near-complete version of the manuscripts for both books was achieved, and all the cooking and family stuff was done. I’m kinda impressed.

This morning I did a little editing, then headed out for a swim with the kids. It went well and I feel good as a result. Next dim sum, then home to read those stories and do the Locus edits. If I can get those done, and some ironing, then this weekend was for the win!

It also means the next weekend I can attend the kids day out on Saturday and spend Sunday processing the copyedits for the swords and sorcery book. The following weekend will be the Mars book, and the weekend after that is Christmas. What a year!

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